What’s in the 2023–24 Tasmanian budget for your organisation?
Posted on 06 Jun 2023
By Funding Centre team

Treasurer Michael Ferguson released the Tasmanian 2023–24 budget on May 25 with the motto ‘Building Tasmania’s future: strong, safe, secure’.
Funding highlights for community groups and social sector services included:
- $373 million to Homes Tasmania to continue to provide housing and homelessness services, deliver new initiatives, and provide funding supports for its capital program
- $264 million to the Community Housing Growth Program and capital housing projects
- $19.6 million to meet increased demand for and support the delivery of the Safe at Home program
- $10 million for a Tasmanian Active Infrastructure Grants Program. Note: this was previously announced in February 2023 by the Minister for Sport and Recreation.
- $4.4 million to support cultural and sporting events
- $2.7 million for Tasmania’s veteran community with funding for RSL Tasmania as well as the Teddy Sheean VC Memorial Grants Program and the Veteran Wellbeing Voucher Program
- $2.4 million to to support arts organisations to deliver productions and services, and improve financial sustainability and longevity of programs and activities
- $2.1 million for community service organisations to help ease pressures of rising costs of service delivery
- $2 million for the Agriculture Innovation Fund that deliver benefits to the state’s agricultural sector
- $1.75 million for Tasmania’s neighbourhood houses, with each of the 35 houses in the network receiving an additional $50,000
- $1.5 million for a new Affordable Rentals Initiative, which will assist in making housing more attainable for those grappling with high rental costs
- $1.4 million to support the continuation of the Weed Action Fund, which tackles serious weeds that affect valuable agricultural land and the natural environment
- $1 million over two years to Screen Tasmania
- $685,000 for small business sector grants for the Small Business Growth Strategy
- $360,000 in additional funding to the School Lunch Project to support schools to purchase kitchen equipment and implement healthy lunch programs
- $350,000 towards the extension of the Tasmanian Men’s Sheds Grants Program to fund tools, capital works, and mental health and wellbeing initiatives
- $225,000 in additional funding for the Landcare Action Grants Program
Other highlights included:
- boosting and expanding the $50 million Energy Saver Loan Scheme to help households and small business to lower their power bills
- small scale funding announcements for mental health, LGBTIQA+ Tasmanians and (in addition to the funding mentioned above) neighbourhood houses
- $300,000 to support state sporting organisations
It's still unclear when or how this money will trickle down to not-for-profits and community groups, but we'll be keeping our eyes peeled for grant updates relevant to Funding Centre members.
In the meantime, log in to your Funding Centre account and sign up for alerts to be among the first to know where the money is flowing, and to search for and manage your grant applications using the dashboard tool.
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