Sample EasyGrants newsletter

EasyGrants is a customised grants newsletter sent to subscribers of the Funding Centre, Australia's best tool for finding grants and boosting fundraising capacity, designed and priced for not-for-profits, schools, business and government.
The information in EasyGrants is based on the most comprehensive and current database of grants available in Australia.
The grants database is rigorously updated by a highly experienced team of grants professionals - the same Our Community team that administers the SmartyGrants program, delivers grants training, and produces the Our Community, Institute of Community Directors and GiveNow platforms. EasyGrants is unique in the Australian fundraising and grants landscape and provides:
- Monthly email PDF grant newsletter (excluding January when the Australian grants landscape largely goes into hibernation)
- A customised list of grants relevant to your subscription, including all new and recurring federal, state and local government, philanthropic and corporate grants
- The latest grants and fundraising news from around Australia and the world
- Ideas, tools and intelligence from grant experts
Through our scaled pricing structure, we've worked to ensure that EasyGrants is affordable to anyone who needs it - from the smallest community group to the biggest business.