What’s in the 2023–24 WA budget for your organisation?
Posted on 16 May 2023
By Funding Centre team

WA Premier Mark McGowan handed down his third state budget on May 11, 2023. Highlights for community groups and social sector services included these announcements:
- Hardship Utilities Grant Scheme payments to be increased by 10%, with grants of up to $640 per household and $1,060 for households in the state’s north
- $750 million boost for housing supply, including funding to deliver the state’s 10-year homelessness strategy
- $450 million top-up to the Social Housing Investment Fund to deliver 4,000 additional social houses
- $52.5 million for family and domestic violence initiatives, including funding for safe house service providers, and connecting victim-survivors with services
- $31.1 million over four years to continue the Aboriginal Community Connectors Program
- $20.2 million for Future Drought Fund programs to build farm and regional community resilience
- $18.9 million for community legal services and Legal Aid WA, to support access to legal services
- $15 million increase to the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund to boost community participation in sport and recreation
- $15 million of additional funding for tourism initiatives, including attracting major and business events to Perth
- $5.8 million for a one-year extension of the Driving Access and Equity Program
- $4.2 million for a $2,000 completion grant and a tool safety equipment rebate of up to $500 for construction apprentices
- $3 million for 400 scholarships for women to train in non-traditional trade and technical occupations.
It's still unclear when or how this money will trickle down to not-for-profits and community groups, but we'll be keeping our eyes peeled for grant updates relevant to Funding Centre members.
In the meantime, log in to your Funding Centre account and sign up for alerts to be among the first to know where the money is flowing, and to search for and manage your grant applications using the dashboard tool.
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