Statistical tools to assist grant applications

Using accurate, up-to-date data from objective research is crucial for identifying a problem in a specific area that your organisation can realistically address or help solve, especially when preparing grant applications.

Here are links to web-based tools and resources providing statistics your organisation can use for funding applications to governments and grantmakers.

Links are organised by state, with Australia-wide resources covering all regions for local and comparative references. This list will expand as more tools and resources become available.

Global Open Data Index - Registers the availability of open government data from countries around the world, with links to data sources.

World Bank Open Data - The World Bank collects a range of data on different regions and countries.

World Development Indicators - a collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognised international sources. It contains data on economic policy and debt, education, environment, finance, health, infrastructure, social protection, poverty, private sector and trade and public sector and social development. Custom comparisons based on a variety of variables can also be created.

Google Dataset Search - Dataset Search enables users to find data sets stored across the web by way of a simple keyword search. The tool surfaces information about data sets hosted in thousands of repositories across the web, making these data sets universally accessible and useful. It has been designed for use by the scientific community, but it can be used by anyone to find the statistics they need.

Australian Bureau of Statistics - Australia's national statistical agency provides trusted official statistics on a wide range of economic, social, population and environmental matters.

Census Data – Provides census data 1911-2021.

Report on the quality of census data – This Australian Bureau of Statistics report provides an independent view of the quality of statistical outputs from the 2021 Census of Population and Housing.

Not-for-profit Organisations, Australia, 2006-07 – This Australian Bureau of Statistics report provides information about not-for-profit organisations in Australia, including the number of organisations, employment, volunteers, income, expenses and more, with breakdowns by type of not-for-profit organisation.

National Rural Health Alliance Fact Sheets - The National Rural Health Alliance prepares a large amount of fact sheets on a variety of issues relating to health in rural and remote areas.

Informed Decisions - The Informed Decisions website contains a large amount of data relevant to grant submissions, as well as analysis and commentary on that data. Its demographic resource centre provides information including community profiles, population forecasts, economic profiles and social atlases.

Primary Health Care Research & Information Service (PHCRIS) - PHCRIS provides information, statistics and reports about Australian primary health care and is funded by the Department of Health.

Australian Human Rights Commission – Explore Human Rights publications covering topics such as racism, immigration, first nations and gender.

Australian Institute of Criminology – The AIC provides crime data and statistics on a range of topics, including crime and criminal justice, homicide, fraud and deception, victims of crime, deaths in custody, illicit drugs, family and domestic violence and other violent crimes.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – The AIHW provides authoritative information and statistics on a range of subjects including aged care, alcohol and other drugs, body weight, cancer, chronic disease, disability, hospitals, and mental health.

Australian open government data - This site provides an easy way to find, access and reuse public datasets from the Australian Government and state and territory governments.

Australian Data Archive - The ADA provides a national service collecting, preserving, publishing and accessing digital research data.

Snapshot of Victoria, 2021 - This high-level summary data for Victoria is taken from the Snapshot of Australia, 2021 report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

State and Regional Indicators for Victoria, 2010 – This Australian Bureau of Statistics report provides state-specific information on population, work and income, price indexes, construction, tourism, agriculture, trade and environment, including state comparisons.

RMIT Centre for Urban Research – The RMIT Centre for Urban Research conducts research in understanding various fields including geography, economics, environment and social interaction to analyse the way in which these factors are affecting the urban environment. The centre analyses data from their research to provide progressive ideas on how to confront issues facing urban society as well as information on how urban society can grow and develop. The Centre can assist grant-maker's by providing valid and current research that can form a basis of evidence for grant applications.

Statistical Data for Victorian Communities - MyVictoria is an authoritative platform for open data insights in Victoria.

Victoria in Future 2016 – Learn about Victoria's future population projections. This includes trends and projections in birth rates, life expectancy, migration, and living arrangements across all of Victoria.

Health status of Victorians – The Department of Health & Human Services collects information about the health status of the Victorian population to inform policy development and assist planning efforts to improve health services. The information collected is used to check and keep a continuous record on the health of the population.

CrashStats - VicRoads – A source of road safety statistics, this online application allows you to look up statistics on crashes and show them on maps.

Victorian Transport Statistics Portal – The VTSP can be interrogated to profile transport issues at a Local Government Area (LGA) level. For many datasets, it can also provide profiles at the Statistical Local Area (SLA) level, at a State Region level, and at a Statistical Division, Statistical Sub-division or State suburb level.

Victoria Police Crime Statistics - Victoria Police Crime Statistics include statistical summaries of offences recorded by police in Victoria for the previous financial year and can also be viewed by Local Government Area or Police Service Area.

Victorian Government Data Directory - This directory provides public access to Victorian Government generated or owned data on a range of topics including health, business, planning, community, transport, environment and education.

Snapshot of ACT, 2021 - This high level summary data for the ACT is taken from the Snapshot of Australia, 2021 report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Australian Capital Territory at a Glance, 2007 - This resource from the Australian Bureau of Statistics provides information about the Australian Capital Territory compared with Australia.

Canberra ... A Social Atlas, 2006 - This resource from the Australian Bureau of Statistics uses a series of maps of areas in the ACT to display statistics covering a variety of areas including population, ethnicity, education, families, income, labour force and dwellings.

ACT Policing Crime Statistics - Each quarter, ACT Policing issues crime statistics illustrating the offences reported or becoming known in suburbs across Canberra.

Snapshot of New South Wales, 2021 - This high level summary data for New South Wales is taken from the Snapshot of Australia, 2021 report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The People of NSW – Multicultural NSW have created a major compilation of statistics on birthplace, language, religion and ancestry from the 2016 Census of Population and Housing.

State and Regional Indicators for NSW, 2010 - This Australian Bureau of Statistics report provides state-specific information on work, environment, education and training, housing, population, transport, economic activity, household economic resources, crime and justice, health, family and community and national comparisons.

NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research – The NSW Police Force provides information on the number of criminal incidents recorded by year and offence type. Use the interactive Crime Tool for statistics by Local Government Area, suburb or postcode.

Health Statistics NSW - Health Statistics NSW is an interactive, web-based application that allows users to access data and tailor reports about the health of the New South Wales population.

NSW Bureau of Transport Statistics – The NSW Bureau of Transport Statistics provides free access to various datasets to monitor and forecast transport system usage and performance to support the development of transport policy, planning, infrastructure and services.

NSW Open Data Portal - This resource brings together a list of NSW Government datasets available in one searchable website. It covers a range of topics including business, conservation and environment, education and training, government administration, health, infrastructure and communications, law and order, and social and community services.

Snapshot of Northern Territory, 2021 - This high level summary data for Northern Territory is taken from the Snapshot of Australia, 2021 report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Regional Statistics, Northern Territory, 2011 - This resource from the Australian Bureau of Statistics provides information about population, environment, health and safety, employment, education and training, economic activity, tourism and primary production for the Northern Territory.

Darwin and Palmerston … A Social Atlas, 2006 – Produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, this resource covers the Darwin, Palmerston, Alice Springs and Litchfield Shire areas and provides information on population, cultural diversity, education, labour force, income, family and households, and dwellings.

NT Economy – Department of Treasury and Finance provide tourism statistics for the Northern Territory. This includes visitation to the NT and its regions, market demographics, consumer behaviour and trends and outlooks.

Northern Territory Police Crime Statistics - Northern Territory Crime Statistics are prepared by the Department of the Attorney-General and Justice using data recorded by the Northern Territory Police and are updated on a monthly basis.

Queensland statistics - This government website contains a wide range of demographic, economic and social data relating specifically to the state of Queensland.

Region summary: Queensland - This resource from the Australian Bureau of Statistics provides state-specific information for Queensland including people, industry, economy and environment.

Queensland Police Service - Online Crime Map – This interactive tool provides statistics on crime in Queensland and can be searched by suburb or city/shire council.

Health Statistics QLD – Queensland Health’s Health Statistics Unit provides statistics on the health of Queenslanders and their use of health services.

Queensland Government Data - This directory provides public access to Queensland Government generated or owned data.

South Australia Police - Safer Communities - Conducts statistical monitoring, research and evaluation, providing up-to-date and comprehensive statistical information on crime and criminal justice in South Australia.

Snapshot of South Australia, 2021 - This high level summary data for South Australia is taken from the Snapshot of Australia, 2021 report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Health Statistics SA - SA Health reports statistics on a range of areas including health risk factors, mental illness, population groups, the performance of hospital and health care services, drug and alcohol, Aboriginal health and public health.

South Australian Government Data Directory - This directory provides public access to South Australian Government generated or owned data.

Snapshot of Tasmania, 2021 - This high level summary data for Tasmania is taken from the Snapshot of Australia, 2021 report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

State and Regional Indicators for Tasmania, 2010 - This Australian Bureau of Statistics report provides state-specific information on labour, economic activity, industry, population, family and community, household economic resources, education, housing, transport, crime and justice, health and environment.

Regional Statistics, Tasmania, 2007 - Brings together a range of ABS and non-ABS data to provide economic, social and demographic indicators for Tasmania, its regions and Local Government Areas.

Tasmania at a Glance, 2011 - This resource from the Australian Bureau of Statistics provides state-specific information for Tasmania including population, finances, social and vital statistics, labour force, wages, foreign trade, price indexes, major industries and environment.

Tasmanian Key Indicators, 2011 - This resource from the Australian Bureau of Statistics provides a range of statistics on Tasmania.

Tasmania Police Crime Statistics - The Department of Police and Emergency Management Crime Statistics Supplement is published on an annual basis.

Tasmania Crash Statistics - The Tasmanian Crash Statistics website provides the public with a straight forward overview of Tasmanian crash statistics and road safety.

National Regional Profile – Tasmania - This Australian Bureau of Statistics guide profiles the economy, population, people, industry, environment and energy of Tasmania.

Snapshot of Western Australia, 2021 - This resource from the Australian Bureau of Statistics provides state-specific information for Western Australia including people, economy, industry and environment.

Western Australia Police Crime Statistics – Western Australia Police publish crime statistics on a monthly and annual basis. Crash statistics are also available. The University of Western Australia Crime and Research Centre also produces reports on crime and justice statistics for Western Australia.

This resource was last updated in January 2025. To suggest another useful source of data, please email [email protected].

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