How to reward your crowdfunding supporters

After a huge effort, your supporters should be thanked for their contributions to your cause.

Feature them in your video

A great way to make your supporters feel thanked is to include them in the video for your organisation. They’ll bring great energy to the video, and it makes it extra special when they’re sharing the video they’re in with their friends and family.

Host a celebration

If you’ve hosted a fundraiser with lots of supporters, make sure you hold an event on the final day (no matter whether you’ve reached your goal or not) to thank them and share the celebration. If you have supporters which are raising money separately throughout the year, make sure you host regular celebration events where they can come together and share their stories

Make them part of your newsletter/communications

Every supporter will have had a personal experience in raising funds for your organisation. Make them a feature in your next newsletter or blog post and share their fundraising story with your supporters to show how important they are to your organisation.

Thank them more than once

The people willing to fundraise on your behalf are some of the most valuable in your support network, as they’re able to spread awareness and expand your supporter base in a way you simply cannot without them. It’s worth taking the time to thank them in multiple ways, to ensure they feel valued for their efforts.

Ready to start? Meet CrowdRaiser™ - a social fundraising solution by GiveNow!

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