More than Money
ISBN: 9781876976385
Total pages: 142
$36.00 inc. GST
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Community-business partnerships can take many forms but authentic partnerships do always have one thing in common: they are a collaboration of organisations and individuals working together to solve the social, economic and environmental problems facing us every day.
That all sounds great doesn't it, but what does it mean?
This book will help step you through the process of scoping possible partnership targets, approaching a business, working with them, evaluating the results of your partnership and - finally - winding up or reinventing your partnership.
Topics covered in this book:
- Introduction
- What is a partnership?
- Are you ready?
- Finding the right partner
- Where to find a partner
- Make it very easy to say yes
- What to discuss before you commit
- Managing the relationship
- Communication
- Maintain the love
- Tell the world
- Celebrating the partnership
- Reviewing your partnership
- When things go wrong
- Juggling multiple partners
- Exit gracefully and graciously
- Celebrate the successes
- Ten reasons to celebrate success
- Reviewing your partnership